Iconografía musical infantil en el 2º Ciclo de Educación Primaria

  1. Cartas Martín, Iván
Supervised by:
  1. Francisco García García Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 12 March 2010

  1. María Acaso López Bosch Chair
  2. María del Carmen Moreno Sáez Secretary
  3. Miguel de Aguilera Moyano Committee member
  4. Manuela Barcia Moreno Committee member
  5. Felipe Gértrudix Barrio Committee member
  1. Teorías y Análisis de la Comunicación

Type: Thesis

Sustainable development goals


Sound and image are two different aesthetics that are often merged to achieve diverse purposes. Nowadays, audiovisual message and multimedia dimension are two phenomenona we assume naturally in the different fields of our lives; so much in our jobs as in our leisure time personal. This study proposes think about reflect the possible relations relationships of both aesthetics in a specific environment, the educational one, to try to find links between the musical expression and visual arts, specifically, graphic arts. For this purpose we suggest that children of school age draw a series of sound stimulus and pieces of music.