Validación de un instrumento de evaluación de las competencias adquiridas en las prácticas clínicas del grado de enfermería de la UCM

unter der Leitung von:
  1. Jorge Diz Gómez Doktorvater
  2. José María Blanco Rodríguez Doktorvater

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 12 von Juli von 2017

  1. Ricardo Becerro de Bengoa Vallejo Präsident
  2. Maria Antonia Lopez Romero Sekretärin
  3. Juan Manuel Arribas Marín Vocal
  4. José Luis Martín Conty Vocal
  5. Mercedes Gómez del Pulgar García-Madrid Vocal
  1. Enfermería

Art: Dissertation


ABSTRACT: At the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), the evaluation system of the clinical practice subjects in the Degree of Nursing is done by means of Headings. The aim of this study is to see if such rubrics, valid and reliable training means the competences marked according to the EHEA. METHODOLOGY: Phase I: Validity analysis using Delphi technique, analyzing the relevance of the items in each heading, the need to add new items, and the format of each tool. Phase II: reliability study, duplicate assessment to students, analyzing internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha), degree of agreement among nurses using the Kappa index, Wilconxon test, T-test and intraclass correlation coefficient. RESULTS: Phase I: 75 experts were contacted, obtaining agreement on the relevance of the items, without the need to complete the questionnaire and an acceptable degree of agreement in the format of each rubric. Phase II: 381 evaluations were collected. Obtaining, strong internal consistency and high degree of agreement in the final qualifications obtained by the same student evaluated by the nurses. CONCLUSIONS: The rubrics present validity and reliability as an instrument for evaluating the competences acquired from clinical practices of the Nursing Degree. KEY WORDS: Competences, Clinical Practices, Evaluation, Rubrics, Validity and Reliability.