Augmented knowledge and accessibilitymuseographic representation of complex cultural contents

  1. Moreno Sánchez, Isidro
ArTecnología: conocimiento aumentado y accesibilidad
  1. Pereira, Vinícus Andrade (coord.)
  2. Colorado Castellary, Arturo (coord.)
  3. Moreno Sánchez, Isidro (coord.)

Verlag: Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad Complutense de Madrid

ISBN: 978-84-697-1450-8

Datum der Publikation: 2014

Seiten: 182-188

Kongress: Seminario ArTecnología (2. 2014. Madrid)

Art: Konferenz-Beitrag


New or emerging museography (Hernández & Santacana, 2009) leaves no room for the harmonious coexistence of ICTs resources and traditional museography. Rather than taking priority on a convergent narrative in which technology is made invisible, thus allowing different customizable information and participation levels to augment knowledge and to facilitate accessibility by all citizens, priority is given to ephemeral technological dazzle. Regarding accessibility, we must be aware of the fact that all of us have certain limitations. However, only very pronounced disabilities are usually taken into account, and the ICTs can help to reduce them. The present research is the result of an R&D&I project funded by the Spanish National Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness, also supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. It is focused on the appropriate adaptation of ICTs to museum discourse. To measure the results from this basic research, applied models were implemented in the Madrid Museum of the Americas. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of these interactive systems allow their improvement, as well as devising new basic research lines.