El comportamiento de la industria tradicionalcrecimiento y competitividad
- González Díaz, Belén
- Gandoy Juste, Rosario
ISSN: 0422-2784
Ano de publicación: 2004
Título do exemplar: La renovación de la industria tradicional española
Número: 355-356
Páxinas: 25-36
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Economía industrial
The aim of this article is to analyze the recent evolution of the manufacturing industries that can be considered as more traditional in the Spanish industry and to examine their competitive position in the community context. The work reveals the notable dynamism experienced by this type of industries since the last decade. The higher growth of their production leads to belive that, in spite of the progressive loss of the traditional manufactures in the whole of the manufacturing product, it increases the Spanish specialization in the above mentioned branches compared to the average in the EU. It also increases their participation in the community offer. The competitive improvement that has taken place is based in the effort made by the companies to differentiate their own production and to offer goods with a better quality-price.