Scientific evidence on the links between periodontal diseases and diabetes: Consensus report and guidelines of the joint workshop on periodontal diseases and diabetes by the International diabetes Federation and the European Federation of Periodontology

  1. Sanz, M.
  2. Ceriello, A.
  3. Buysschaert, M.
  4. Chapple, I.
  5. Demmer, R.T.
  6. Graziani, F.
  7. Herrera, D.
  8. Jepsen, S.
  9. Lione, L.
  10. Madianos, P.
  11. Mathur, M.
  12. Montanya, E.
  13. Shapira, L.
  14. Tonetti, M.
  15. Vegh, D.
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice

ISSN: 1872-8227 0168-8227

Ano de publicación: 2018

Volume: 137

Páxinas: 231-241

Tipo: Achega congreso

DOI: 10.1016/J.DIABRES.2017.12.001 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable