Eficacia de la punción seca en la fasciosis plantar

  1. Suarez Varela, Miguel
Dirigida per:
  1. Juan Vicente Benéit Montesinos Director
  2. Raquel Valero Alcaide Directora

Universitat de defensa: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 30 de d’octubre de 2019

  1. José Luis Lázaro Martínez President
  2. Ángela C. Álvarez Melcón Secretària
  3. Susana Collado Vázquez Vocal
  4. Isabel Galcerán Montaña Vocal
  5. Pedro Chana Valero Vocal
  1. Enfermería

Tipus: Tesi


Introduction: Plantar fasciosis, commonly known as plantar fasciitis (PF), is the most usual cause of heel pain. Approximately between 10% and 20% of the population will suffer from this process once during their lifetime. It is more common between 40 and 60 years of age. Risk factors are overweight, advanced age, prolonged standing, limitation of ankle dorsiflexion and limitation of dorsiflexion of the first metatarso-phalangeal joint. Ultrasonography is established as the gold standard image diagnostic tool for diagnosis and monitoring of this pathology. Dry needling (DN) of the myofascial trigger points (MTP) is an approach that has been extended in recent years for the treatment of many musculoskeletal disorders. Objectives: General: assessment of the efficacy of including DN combined with a physical therapy treatment consisting in: manual therapy and home based exercises of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, in patients diagnosed of PF, through the thickness of the plantar fascia, pain and ankle dorsiflexion range of movement. Specific: to analyse the efficacy of the combination of DN with a manual therapy treatment and home based exercises, in patients diagnosed with PF, through a follow-up and comparison between groups.