Política económica y medioambienteuna aproximación
- Sotelo Pérez, María 1
- Sotelo Pérez, Ignacio
- Sotelo Navalpotro, José Antonio 2
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
- 2 Universitario de Ciencias Ambientales (IUCA). Universidad Complutense de Madrid
ISSN: 1139-1987
Year of publication: 2019
Issue: 22
Pages: 91-109
Type: Article
More publications in: Observatorio medioambiental
In this research, an approach to the so-called “market economy” is carried out, based on the principles of the neoclassical school, from the perspective of underlining that it continues to be the fundamental basis of today's economies. Accepted and assumed by most Western economists, politicians and jurists, they would show that we are facing a pure, perfect economy, without complexities or problems, although, in practice, these parameters are certainly not linked to reality, then, imperfections or "failures", become more than palpable, especially, from an environmental perspective, in general, and water as a fundamental element for life, in particular. Thus, the intervention of the State in the economy - unfair, where the defects or imperfections of the market become visible -, through policies that attempt to mitigate, stop or eradicate the negative externalities produced by the lack of conservation and preservation, or by the deterioration or contamination of the environment, becomes indispensable - as well as to enhance the so-called “positive” externalities -, which will favor the use of new instruments or mechanisms that are not closely linked –where the symbiosis between law and economy becomes essential-, in the current moments, with the environment, in general and with water in particular; in addition to deepening a structural change in the current economy.
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