Evaluación clínico-diagnósticametodología de trabajo y diseño de protocolos de comunicación en alumnos plurideficientes. 25 años de experiencias en el Centro de Educación Especial Infanta Elena de Madrid
- 1 CPEE Infanta Elena de Madrid
ISSN: 2530-0350
Year of publication: 2012
Issue Title: Resúmenes y Abstracts de las VIII Jornadas Científicas Internacionales de Investigación sobre Discapacidad
Volume: 43
Issue: 241
Pages: 109-110
Type: Article
More publications in: Siglo Cero: Revista Española sobre Discapacidad Intelectual
I want to expose in this paper the work that a large team of professionals of this center (specialist teachers, speech therapists, physiotherapists, nurses, a social worker, a psychologist and an occupational therapist) has done in this years. Firstable we make an important clinical and diagnostic assessment of students with multiple disabilities: Firstable we make a diagnostic and clinical evaluation of the students with multiple disabilities following this process: 1 We receive the opinion and the evaluation of the Team of Educational Psychologists (EOEP). 2. We met with the family. 3. Each service value to the students. 4. We apply tests and developmental scales. 5. We observe the students in the classroom. 6. We do a work session between different professionals. 7. The psychologist and Professor Specialist (PT) make the Curricular Adaptation for the student. In the second section I describe the daily work methodology, based on cleardaily work routines that attempt to structure and define the environment, the timetable, the tasks and the activities of the students as much as possible. In conclusion, a good clinical and diagnostic multidisciplinary evaluation of the students, a working methodology appropriated to their abilities and interests and a design of alternative communication systems can ensure that our students with multiple disabilities are fully integrated into school life by getting a high degree of personal and social development.