Bases moleculares de la interacción esticolisina-membrana sobre la estructura del poro y los efectos de los lípidos

  1. Palacios Ortega, Juan
Supervised by:
  1. Johan Peter Slotte Director
  2. Álvaro Martínez del Pozo Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 18 June 2021

  1. Jessica Marianne Rosenholm Chair
  2. Julián Gómez Gutiérrez Secretary
  3. Sanna Leena Soini Committee member
  4. Peter Mattjus Committee member
  5. Jarmo Kapyla Committee member
  6. María Belén Yélamos López Committee member
  1. Bioquímica y Biología Molecular

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 155638 DIALNET


The usefulness of toxicity across the tree of life is far beyond doubt. Most, if not all, organisms produce compounds that can be used for attack and/or defense against external entities. Some of the most specialized of these compounds are toxic proteins, among which pore-forming toxins (PFTs) particularly excel. PFTs are present in all kingdoms of life. Given the wide variety of PFTs, one can expect a multitude of different specificities and mechanisms of action, of which we will certainly take advantage at some point. For that, a thorough characterization of PFTs and their functionality is necessary. In this thesis, we have taken further the characterization of sticholysins, small PFTs produced by the sea anemone Stichodactyla helianthus...