Fingir orgasmosUna propuesta (re)generativa sobre la política sexual de las mujeres

  1. Aguirre Solorio, Tania
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Ana Alcázar Campos Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 08 von April von 2021

  1. Carmen Gregorio Gil Präsident/in
  2. Ana Gallego Cuiñas Sekretär/in
  3. Sayak Valencia Vocal
  4. José Mª Valcuende del Río Vocal
  5. Elena Casado Aparicio Vocal

Art: Dissertation


Conventional approaches to orgasm construct it within a radical distinction between presence and absence, where the first one is positioned as a sign of emotional and physical health and identity, whereas differential expressions of orgasm in which absence can be accounted for, are often treated as necessarily problematic and in need for remedy. This is the case for the practice of faking orgasms, although as overwhelmingly common as it is, traditional approaches tend to formulate it as derivative, incomplete and inconsequential, missing as a result people's intimate and close experiences as well as the development of critical and theoretical approaches to sexuality. This research suspends the notion of faking orgasms as necessarily problematic or in need of remedy and treatment and instead attend to (re)write it as a sexual and political practice in its own right. By applying pressure to the categories of knowledge that are already available to us, I seek to encounter the silences, incipient narrations, re(figuration) and resistances that are enacted in faking an orgasm as an expression that exceeds the normative and hence begs to reformulate what counts as sexual. By embracing the technologies of faking orgasms, I invite an approach that concerns the failure of "real" orgasms as a queering grammar that exposes (hetero)normative structuration’s of desire, sexuality and, the class and race formation that are the constitutive foundation of all the above. I will put in conversation critical semiotic/material formations such as timing, complementarity, peak, inside/outside, coitus and so on, and its framing within normative trajectories. By doing so is possible to bring forward the constitutive failure of heteronormative arrangements and, as a consequence enact and elaborate for differential trajectories of the erotic within an ecology of being.