La tradicional sociología de la ciencia en el discurso pedagógico actualvaloración de algunas cuestiones pedagógicas

  1. Sánchez Valle, Ignacio
Revista española de pedagogía

ISSN: 0034-9461 2174-0909

Year of publication: 2001

Volume: 59

Issue: 219

Pages: 285-310

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista española de pedagogía


This paper analyzes the traditional approach to the sociology of science based upon Karl Mannheim¿s sociology of knowledge. Robert Merton¿s program is discussed as the basis of sociology of science. Furthermore, Kuhn is acknowledged as having set up the foundation for a new paradigm in the sociology of science. This paper intends to defend the work of Kuhn as the framework by which other current studies in the social sciences under the name of ¿sociologies of scientific knowledge¿ have come about. Finally, several key pedagogical issues taken from the traditional sociology of science as argued by Merton are discussed. It has been found that pedagogy in terms of sociology of science has closely followed the framework used by the other social sciences. Several advances and achievements that have recently made some headway are discussed.