Angiogénesis y vasculogénesis inducida por el trasplante intralesional de células madre mesenquimales adultas en un modelo experimental de daño medular traumático

  1. Javier Vaquero
  2. C. Bonilla Horcajo
  3. L. Otero
  4. C. Aguayo
  5. Santiago de Oya Otero
  6. Mercedes Zurita

ISSN: 1888-6116

Year of publication: 2008

Volume: 19

Issue: 4

Pages: 206-211

Type: Article

More publications in: Trauma

Sustainable development goals


Objectives: To determine whether adult mesenchymal stem cells (bone marrow stromal cells, BMSCs) contribute to angiogenesis and vasculogenesis following their intralesional implantation in the damaged spinal cord. Material and methods: A standard spinal cord injury model was used in Wistar rats and adult pigs. Three months after spinal cord injury, under conditions of complete paraplegia, 3 x 106 BMSCs labeled via genic transfection with the LacZ gene (in rats), and 30 x 106 BMSCs labeled with BrdU (in pigs), were administered in the spinal lesion zone. Three months after implantation, the cell implant zone was studied to detect the presence of blood vessels formed at the expense of the transplanted cells. Results: In both the Wistar rats and pigs, numerous blood vessels were observed, with cells at endothelial level and in the vessel wall that expressed the markers inherent to the transplanted cells. Conclusions: BMSCs can differentiate under in vivo conditions towards endothelial cells and towards smooth muscle cells, following their intralesional transplantation in the damaged spinal cord � forming part of new blood vessels and contributing to the angiogenesis and vasculogenesis required for regeneration of the damaged nerve tissue