Prescribing errors intercepted by clinical pharmacists in paediatrics and obstetrics in a tertiary hospital in Spain

  1. Fernandez-Llamazares, C.M.
  2. Calleja-Hernández, M.-A.
  3. Manrique-Rodríguez, S.
  4. Pérez-Sanz, C.
  5. Durán-García, E.
  6. Sanjurjo-Sáez, M.
European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology

ISSN: 0031-6970 1432-1041

Year of publication: 2012

Volume: 68

Issue: 9

Pages: 1339-1345

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1007/S00228-012-1257-Y GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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