Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells from patients with aplastic anemia maintain functional and immune properties and do not contribute to the pathogenesis of the disease
- Bueno, C.
- Roldan, M.
- Anguita, E.
- Romero-Moya, D.
- Martín-Antonio, B.
- Rosu-Myles, M.
- del Cañizo, C.
- Campos, F.
- García, R.
- Gómez-Casares, M.
- Fuster, J.L.
- Jurado, M.
- Delgado, M.
- Menendez, P.
ISSN: 1592-8721, 0390-6078
Argitalpen urtea: 2014
Alea: 99
Zenbakia: 7
Orrialdeak: 1168-1175
Mota: Artikulua