Grade of sedation in the critically ill paediatric patient and its correlation with sociodemographic and clinical variables. Multicentre COSAIP study
- Bosch-Alcaraz, A.
- Alcolea-Monge, S.
- Fernández Lorenzo, R.
- Luna-Castaño, P.
- Belda-Hofheinz, S.
- Falcó Pegueroles, A.
- Piqueras-Rodríguez, P.
- Molina-Gallego, I.
- Potes-Rojas, C.
- Gesti-Senar, S.
- Orozco-Gámez, R.
- Tercero-Cano, M.C.
- Saz-Roy, M.Á.
- Jordan, I.
- García-Soler, P.
- Tamame-San Antonio, M.
ISSN: 1578-1291, 1130-2399
Année de publication: 2021
Volumen: 32
Número: 4
Pages: 189-197
Type: Article