La invención del consorte realla figura de Francisco de Asís de Borbón en el contexto de la Europa liberal
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
ISSN: 1134-2277, 2255-5838
Ano de publicación: 2023
Número: 132
Páxinas: 201-226
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Ayer
The configuration of the constitutional monarchy took place in Spain under the reign of Isabel II. In this context, combining the varia-bles of power and gender was particularly intricate in a reigning queen. What is more, it would be equally challenging with respect to the royal consort. At a time that the cult of domesticity was prevailing in gender discourses, liberalism had to conceive of an emasculated man deprived of the public and political qualities assigned to masculinity. This arti-cle analyses the figure of Francisco de Asís de Borbón, integrating him into European disputes that sought to find a space — in the public and domestic spheres— for someone who inverted gender roles.
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