Reduction of worm fecundity and canine host blood loss mediates protection against hookworm infection elicited by vaccination with recombinant Ac-16
- Fujiwara, R.T.
- Zhan, B.
- Mendez, S.
- Loukas, A.
- Bueno, L.L.
- Wang, Y.
- Plieskatt, J.
- Oksov, Y.
- Lustigman, S.
- Bottazzi, M.E.
- Hotez, P.
- Bethony, J.M.
ISSN: 1556-6811
Argitalpen urtea: 2007
Alea: 14
Zenbakia: 3
Orrialdeak: 281-287
Mota: Artikulua