La escritura del yo en el ensayo audiovisual español
- Mínguez, Norberto 1
- Cruz-Carvajal, Isleny 2
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
ISSN: 1989-6328
Year of publication: 2023
Issue Title: Oceánide
Issue: 16
Pages: 17-25
Type: Article
More publications in: Oceánide
This article analyzes the construction of subjectivity in La Morte Rouge (Víctor Erice, 2006), Guest (José Luis Guerín, 2010) and Mapa (León Siminiani, 2012), three films that represent different trends within the writing of the self in Spanish essay film. These are three generations of outstanding authors in the evolution of Spanish audiovisual non-fiction. Using as a conceptual framework the theory of the essay and discourse analysis, we study the referent, the use of language and the particular way in which the self writes and is constructed through writing. Although a film essay with only images is possible, the films analyzed here are based on a cultural practice in which the image and the word interact to build a fully significant discourse. The article reveals how the soliloquy, the travelogue and the diary film show different modes of staging subjectivity but share the construction of the self in the interaction with the other, the creation of an intimate space where the subject is equally aware of the message and its enunciation, and the presence of an identity in the context of a historical temporality.
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