Impact of COVID-19 in the incidence of venous thromboembolism (VTE) and clinical outcomes in cancer patients: a cohort study

  1. López-Jiménez, C.
  2. Gutiérrez, A.
  3. Juliao Caamaño, D.S.
  4. Soto Alsar, J.
  5. Catoya Villa, J.L.
  6. Blanco Abad, C.
  7. Morón, B.
  8. Ortega Morán, L.
  9. Martín, M.
  10. Muñoz Martín, A.J.
Clinical and Translational Oncology

ISSN: 1699-3055 1699-048X

Year of publication: 2024

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1007/S12094-024-03635-W GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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