Factores Implicados en la Inclusión Educativa de Alumnado con Trastornos del Espectro Autista (TEA)una Revisión Sistemática
- 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)
ISSN: 1699-9517
Datum der Publikation: 2024
Ausgabe: 19
Nummer: 2
Seiten: 96-106
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: Revista de Psicología y Educación
Introduction: Educational systems in all countries are undergoing a process of transformation to achieve the educational inclusion of all students and to respond to diversity. The aim of this study is to detect the variables that affect the processes of educational inclusion of students with ASD. Method: A systematic review was carried out using PRISMA methodology (ProQuest, Google Scholar, Scopus, and Web of Science). We included longitudinal and cross-sectional studies, with a population of teachers, families, and/or students with ASD, which addressed the inclusion of these students in any country and which were written in English or Spanish. Results: Forty-six studies were selected that show that the variables that facilitate inclusion are the centers culture and positive attitude, collaboration and communication between professionals and families, specific interventions outside the school, and the structuring and adaptation of the environment. On the other hand, behavioral problems and difficulties acquiring certain skills are among the main barriers to achieving quality educational inclusion. Conclusions: The data reveal the failure of inclusive processes when these requirements are not met.