Evaluación de competencias del Enfermero Especialista en Geriatría utilizando la escala ECOEnf
- María del Carmen García Carrión Doktorvater/Doktormutter
- María de las Mercedes Gómez del Pulgar García-Madrid Doktormutter
- José Luis García Klepzig Doktorvater
Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Fecha de defensa: 10 von Oktober von 2022
- Jacinto Gómez Higuera Präsident
- Luis Javier Rivera Vicente Sekretär
- Sonsoles Hernández Iglesias Vocal
- Elda Baigorri Ruiz Vocal
- María Cristina Barneto Valero Vocal
Art: Dissertation
Law 44/2003, of 21 November, on the Organisation of Health Professions1, establishes that, in the Health Sciences, specialised training is configured as that which, in a regulated manner, aims to provide professionals with the knowledge, techniques, skills and attitudes inherent to that speciality, necessary for the correct exercise of their profession.The Speciality of Geriatric Nursing is one of the seven nursing specialities currently recognised, according to Royal Decree 450/20052, of 22 April, which has a training programme published in Order SAS/3225/20093, of 13 November.The current training programme defines the Specialist Nurse in Geriatrics as "the professional who provides care and nursing care to the elderly population, being qualified to teach, supervise, investigate, manage and lead care for this group in complex situations in which he/she also acts as a consultant at all levels of the socio-health system "3.In order to achieve this responsibility and autonomous capacity, the residents of the various accredited Multiprofessional Teaching Units of the speciality must carry out a series of activities during their stay, and in a programmed and supervised manner, which will be included in their corresponding training programmes...