Radiologists in multidisciplinary teams in Spain: reality of care, effort invested and necessary improvement measures

  1. Concepción Aramendía, L.
  2. Otero García, M.
  3. Albillos Merino, J.C.
  4. Díaz Candamio, M.J.
  5. Navallas Irujo, M.
  6. Domínguez Pinos, D.
  7. Alvarez-Hornia Pérez, E.
  8. Rovira Cañellas, M.
  9. Inarejos Clemente, E.
  10. Arjonilla López, A.
  11. Parra Gordo, M.L.

ISSN: 1578-178X 0033-8338

Year of publication: 2024

Volume: 66

Issue: 6

Pages: 499-500

Type: Editorial

DOI: 10.1016/J.RX.2024.09.001 GOOGLE SCHOLAR