- Vacas Rodríguez, Ana María
- Fonfría Díaz, José
- Acosta Gallo, Belén
- Alonso Gómez, Ángel Luis
- Pedro, Nuria De
- Fernández Pérez, Joaquín
- López Torres, Mónica
- Rosalía Ramirez
- Reviriego Eiros, Mario
- Gómez Chova, L. (coord.)
- Martí Balaguer, D. (coord.)
- Candel Torres, I. (coord.)
Publisher: Iated
ISBN: 978-84-613-9386-2
Year of publication: 2010
Pages: 5036-5043
Congress: EDULEARN: International conference on Education and New Learning Technology (2. 2010. Barcelona)
Type: Conference paper
The subject Projects and Studies in Biology is of a professional and applied nature, as the knowledge acquired can be applied in professional practice, because the students are initiated in the implementation of a Project (Planning, Alternative Solutions, Studies, Pre-projects and Projects). The general objective of this Project involved adapting the contents of the subject to the European Space of Higher Education (EEES) by installing it in the platform WebCT (Web Course Tools), adopted by Madrid’s Complutense University for its Virtual Campus. The specific objectives to be met are the following: Conceptual objectives: To introduce students to the typology of Projects. This knowledge will enable people with a degree in Biology to work in Consultancy companies and different organisms of the Administration and to adjust to the general work market. The students are also introduced to the Spanish System of Science and Technology and to the typology of Research Projects and Projects in collaboration with industries. Procedural objectives: handling procedures for searching for updated information, both offers and calls, and innovation in regulations or in science-technology and knowledge of software programs necessary for drafting a Budget for planning and implementing projects. Attitude-related projects: Considering that people with degrees in Biology traditionally work in Teaching and Research, this subject attempts to change the attitude of students towards what could involve practicing their profession in other areas. In accordance with these objectives, the information on the development of the subject has been organized into a series of modules through which the basic knowledge the students should avail of is expounded. Each of these modules has links to more elaborate documents in which the amount of material is increased and its implications and relationships with other contents of the subject are indicated. The modules are organized into classes, practical work aimed at problem- solving, common projects, presentation and debate, and the students must draft a Pre-project for implementation using the different documents it comprises. The subject requires evaluation of the different conceptual, procedural and attitude-related objectives, and the general adoption of an ongoing evaluation process, in which the following aspects are evaluated: - Participation in classes requiring the presence of students, refresher courses and debates. - Evaluation of the seminars: presentation and defense of projects and of exercises completed. - Directed Academic Work (creation and defense of a Pre-project with its corresponding documents). - Correct design of questionnaires. - Evaluation throughout the course with objective evaluation of the contents, by means of test-types exams.
Funding information
This project was financed by the UCM, through the Project for innovation and Improvement of Teaching Quality (PIMCD nº 474/2006, Código SAP: 072PCD118G)Funders
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- PIMCD nº 474/2006
- Código SAP: 072PCD118G)