La transmisión de las herramientas de trabajo actoral del grupo LUME Teatro (Brasil)

Supervised by:
  1. Sirlei Alaniz Director
  2. Arno Gimber Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 10 July 2023

  1. Cristina Bravo Rozas Chair
  2. Bethania Guerra de Lemos Secretary
  3. Ana Contreras Elvira Committee member
  4. Sergio Santiago Romero Committee member
  5. Juan Pedro Enrile Arrate Committee member
  1. Filología Alemana y Filología Eslava

Type: Thesis


This doctoral thesis is entitled "The transmission of the acting work tools of the group LUME Teatro (Brazil)" and its purpose is to analyze the different methodologies through which this Brazilian group transmits its acting work to the different scenic artists who approach them in order to learn these techniques and be able to use them in their research, experimental and artistic works.In order to carry through this analysis, we begin with a brief analysis of the historical- social-geographical context of the theatrical reality in which this group began to develop its activity, and then move on to the study of the theoretical contexts with which they are currently working. In this, it will be possible to perceive the strong influence of the study of philosophy, especially the rhizome theory developed by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari (Deleuze and Guattari, 2004, 12) in their artistic work, both for their academic research studies and for their stage practice.Once these contexts are understood, we will move on to the analysis of the tools themselves in which special attention will be paid to the practical courses, since they are the space in which the scenic artists can carry through a true communal learning with the artists/researchers of LUME Teatro. Finally, other important tools for the transmission of their artistic work will be studied, such as stage presentations used as a pedagogical tool, their written publications as sources of dissemination and analysis of their artistic/academic research, and the use of audiovisuals both as a record and as an artistic provocation that promotes learning.Therefore, it is understood that the broad development of the diverse techniques that are part of his artistic research has always maintained a close relationship with the development of pedagogies for the transmission of this knowledge.