Edición crítica y estudio de Silves de la Selva de Pedro de Luján, Sevilla 1546
- José Manuel Lucía Megías Director
- Anna Bognolo Director
Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Fecha de defensa: 10 July 2023
- Alberto del Río Nogueras Chair
- Anna Bognolo Secretary
- Natalia Maillard Álvarez Committee member
- José Manuel Lucía Megías Committee member
Type: Thesis
The results of my research study are structured in three chapters dedicated to Pedro de Luján’s biography and literary production, the analysis of the narrative structures of Silves de la Selva and the critical edition of the text. Silves de la Selva is a Spanish chivalric romance, the 12th books of the Amadis de Gaula saga. In the first chapter I discuss/outline the biography of Pedro de Luján: lawyer, writer, bookseller and printer, who worked in Sevilla during the 16th century. In this dissertation, I present an updated and enhanced biographical study thanks to theunpublished documents that I discovered in different historical and parish archives of Spain. In addition, I also briefly describe the three known literary works by Pedro de Luján: the Spanish romances of chivalry Silves de la Selva and Leandro el Bel, and the moral dialogue Coloquios matrimoniales, which I have discovered an unknown edition of (Barcelona, 1564, Claudio Bornat). Albeit discreetly, I advance the hypothesis that La segunda parte de la coronica del invictisimo emperador Carlos can be attributed to Pedro de Luján, who printed this historical work anonymously in 1552...