Turismo y medioambiente en Españaestudio de caso
- Sotelo Pérez, María 1
- Sotelo Pérez, Ignacio 2
- Sotelo Navalpotro, José Antonio 2
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
- 2 IUCA
ISSN: 1139-1987
Year of publication: 2024
Issue: 27
Pages: 69-85
Type: Article
More publications in: Observatorio medioambiental
Environmental Planning, in the field of tourism activities in Spain, is closely related to the birth of Tourism in our country, with the study, analysis and interpretation of the so-called “tourist destinations” playing a fundamental role in it. In this article we approach the gestation of these works, through their diachronic treatment, abroad, until reaching the present day. All this without forgetting that, in Spain, tourism as an economic activity was in its infancy, closely related to historical events; the political circumstances that marked the more than turbulent 19th century did not facilitate the cultural emergence of the aforementioned tourist activities, having to wait until the second half of the 20th century for individual initiatives to end up adding up and becoming what is known today as “mass tourism”, in total and continuous transformation. From this perspective, the research shows how this process has coincided in our country with the various transformations that the State has undergone (especially from the appreciation of this transition that runs between the Modern Absolutist State, to the Contemporary Constitutional State), from the point of view of the relations of this with the social community, it can be seen how the reformulation that the constitutional approach warned at the time implemented in our state reality, would attract with it a growing importance of the regulation of the different state powers (a matter of notable interest for the development of the aforementioned tourist activities).
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