Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Mercedes Díez Prados (5)


  1. A decade of English-Spanish contrastive research on written discourse: the MAD and Spicle corpora

    A pleasure of life in words: a festschrisft for Angela Downing (Facultad de Filología), pp. 199-218

  2. The ICLE error tagging project: analysis of Spanish EFL writers

    Studies in contrastive linguistics : Proceedings of the 4th International Contrastive Linguistics Conference Santiago de Compostela, septiembre 2005


  1. A constrastive study of certainty and doubt adverbs in native and non-native argumentative texts

    Studies in contrastive linguistics.: proceedings of the 2nd International Contrastive Linguistics Conference, Santiago de Compostela, October, 2001

  2. Till word us do part: affective and epistemic contracts in oral argumentation

    Lenguas para fines especificos (VII): investigación y enseñanza