Catedrático de universidad
Saila: Estructura de la Materia, Física Térmica y Electrónica
Fakultatea: Ciencias Físicas
Eremua: Elektronika
Ikerketa taldea: Láminas delgadas y microelectrónica
E-maila: esas@ucm.es
Doctor por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid con la tesis Fabricación y caracterización de dieléctricos de alta permitividad para su aplicación como aislantes de puerta en dispositivos mis 2004. Tesiaren zuzendaria Dr. Ignacio Mártil de la Plaza.
Since 2021 I am Full Professor in the Electronics area. At present, I am working in the application of high pressure sputtering for photovoltaic applications and in the hyperdoping of semiconductors. At present, I balance my research in PV technology, where I am co-IP of a Plan Nacional project and co-directing a Ph. D. student, with teaching in the Ingeniería Electrónica de Comunicaciones degree, where I teach the course Análisis de Circuitos, and in the Máster en Energía, where I am the responsible of the Sistemas Solares Fotovoltaicos course since 2013-14. After obtaining the Assistant Professor position I have been participating with the university management: I was a member of the academic commission of our faculty between 2010 and 2020, I have been a referee of public project proposals, and I have been the coordinator of a UCM master degree, Nuevas Tecnologías Electrónicas y Fotónicas during 4 academic years. My academic trajectory is as follows: I got my Degree in Physics with Electronics intensification at UCM in 1999. Afterwards, I began my Ph. D. work in the Electronic Engineering department of UCM. I studied high-k dielectrics, that present permittivities higher than SiO2. The goal was to use them as gate dielectric in MOSFET transistors. During that time, I learned many fabrication and characterization techniques. Particularly, I was the first one in our group to study high-k dielectrics (in my case, TiO2) by high-pressure sputtering (HPS). This technique has given us many interesting research results. I obtained my Ph. D. in 2004 with the highest grade. During my Ph. D. period I got an Ayudante position that I obtained in 2001. I also got a Degree in Mathematics. After getting the Ph. D. I obtained an Ayudante Doctor position. Afterward, I spent 15 months at IMEC as a postdoctoral researcher. I worked with the Electrical Characterization Group, developing characterization techniques that could permit measuring the electrical properties of dielectrics with extreme leakage values. I published a measuring method (RF-split-CV) that is mandatory to measure carrier mobility in scaled devices which is still in use. After returning to UCM I kept working on high-k fabrication by HPS (particularly, we managed to deposit a GdScO film that presented a permittivity value over 30 and equivalent oxide thickness close to 1 nm). I have also collaborated with our research group's intermediate band semiconductor effort. For several years I was the leader of the high-k research line in our group, I was the main researcher of a MINECO project, and I supervised the Ph. D. work of two students, who got their Ph. D. in 2013 and 2016. In 2019 I assumed the leadership of our group within the Madrid-PV2-CM consortium, and within this program, we have started to study HPS for photovoltaic applications.