Department: Lingüística, Estudios Árabes, Hebreos, Vascos y de Asia Oriental

Faculty: Filología

Centre/Institute: Instituto Universitario de Ciencias de las Religiones

Area: Arabic and Islamic Studies

Research group: Grupo de análisis sobre Islam en Europa

Research group: Textos epigráficos antiguos de la Península Ibérica y del Mediterráneo griego (TEAPIMEG)


Personal web:

Doctor by the Universidad de Sevilla with the thesis La inmigración marroquí en España. Causas y efectos 2010. Supervised by Dr. Juan Antonio Pacheco Paniagua.

Doctor by the Universidad de Sevilla with the thesis Una obra andalusí de adab 2010. Supervised by Dr. Juan Antonio Pacheco Paniagua.

PhD Cum Laude in Arabic and Islamic Studies. He also completed doctoral studies in Comparative Literature and Translation at the Mohamed V University of Rabat. He furthered his education at the universities of Granada and Seville, at the Università di Bologna and at ITD-Amherst (Massachusetts), obtaining a Master's degree in ‘Community Intervention in Migration Processes’, a DEA in Arab and Islamic Studies and five Higher Diplomas in International Migration, Interculturality, Muslim Minorities, Diversity Management and Human Rights. He is a lecturer in the Arab and Islamic Studies Department at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). He is also a researcher at the University Institute of Religious Sciences at the same University and a lecturer and founding member of the UNESCO Chair in Conflict Resolution and Culture of Peace at the University of Cordoba. He also collaborates in several research groups in Spain and Morocco. He teaches, as a guest lecturer, in doctoral and master's degree programmes at: Université Paris 8, at La Sapienza Università di Roma, at Università degli studi Napoli L'Orientale, at Université Mohamed V Rabat-Agdal, at Université Mohamed V Rabat-Souissi, at Higher Institute of Information and Communication (ISIC-Rabat) and at the University of Cordoba. He is a member of the Board of the ‘École Doctorale de l'Inalco-Université Sorbonne Paris Cité’ (USPC) and a member of the International Academic Council of the Doctorate in Cultural Diversity at the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero de Buenos Aires (UNTREF). He is also a Senior Research Fellow at EuroMed University. In addition to giving numerous lectures at national and international conferences, meetings and seminars, he has devoted part of his activity to disseminating information in the press, television and radio. He is a political analyst for several international TV channels: Al-Jazeera, Russia Today Arabic, Al-Araby TV Channel, Alhurra TV, Al-Mayadeen TV and Medi1TV. He is also a regular contributor to Medi1 Radio, Chaine Inter and Radio Maroc SNRT. He is also a columnist for the Arabic newspapers Diffatah Thalithah al-Araby al-Jadid (London) and Al-Akhbar (Casablanca). For the last twenty years he has combined his university work with cultural management, coordination of social policies in the public administration and advising international organisations. Between 2003 and 2004 he was Cultural Director of the Biblioteca Viva de al-Ándalus in Cordoba and responsible for its start-up, between 2005 and 2011 he was General Coordinator of the Social Welfare Department of Cordoba City Council and between 2012 and 2014 he was commissioned by the IOM-UN Migration (International Organisation for Migration) to coordinate a project related to the ‘Socio-professional empowerment of migrants and the socio-educational reintegration of their children’. Her lines of research focus on the study of the Moroccan community in Spain and Europe and, especially, on the role of Moroccans in the diaspora in the social, political and economic transformation of Morocco, and on the analysis of Islam and the management of religious and cultural diversity in Spain and Europe. At the same time, he carries out a rich research work on ‘Moroccan literature of exile’, ‘Moroccan prison literature-Moroccan literature of commitment’ and ‘Moroccan literature of Spanish expression’. Over the last ten years, he has supervised some thirty bachelor's and master's degree theses, as well as seven doctoral theses, two of them at foreign universities. In 2022 he was appointed Academician of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Fine Arts and Noble Arts of Cordoba.