Publicacións en colaboración con investigadores/as de Centro de Estudios Superiores Felipe II (15)


  1. Development of a personalized e-learning experience based on IMS standard technologies

    Computers and Education: Towards Educational Change and Innovation

  2. Educational modeling languages: A conceptual introduction and a high-level classification

    Computers and Education: E-Learning, From Theory to Practice (Springer Netherlands), pp. 27-40


  1. A documental approach to adventure game development

    Science of Computer Programming, Vol. 67, Núm. 1, pp. 3-31

  2. A highly modular and extensible architecture for an integrated IMS-based authoring system: The 〈e-Aula〉 experience

    Software - Practice and Experience, Vol. 37, Núm. 4, pp. 441-461

  3. Educational Modeling Languages: A conceptual introduction and a high-level classification

    Computers and Education: E-Learning, from Theory to Practice


  1. A descriptive markup approach to facilitate the production of e-learning contents

    Proceedings - Sixth International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2006

  2. A general architecture for the authoring and the operationalization of e-learning applications with educational modelling languages

    8th International Symposium on Computers in Education Proceedings, SIIE 2006

  3. Language-driven development of videogames: The 〈e-game〉 experience

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

  4. Production and deployment of educational videogames as assessable learning objects

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

  5. Production and maintenance of content-intensive videogames: A document-oriented approach

    Proceedings - Third International Conference onInformation Technology: New Generations, ITNG 2006

  6. 〈e-QTI〉: A reusable assessment engine

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)


  1. Building learning management systems using IMS standards: Architecture of a manifest driven approach

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science

  2. Semantic web technologies applied to e-learning personalization in <e-aula>

    Journal of Universal Computer Science, Vol. 11, Núm. 9, pp. 1470-1481

  3. The <e-Game> project: Facilitating the development of educational adventure games

    IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, CELDA 2005

  4. The E-Game Project: facilitating the development of educational adventure games

    Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2005): Porto, Portugal, December 14-16, 2005