Researcher in the period 2003-2023
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with EUGENIO ROANES LOZANO (213)
Uso de un lenguaje de programación por bloques para un estilo computacional de geometría
III Jornada «Aprendizaje Eficaz con TIC en la UCM» (Ediciones Complutense), pp. 83-92
A proposal of a mixed diagnostic system based on decision trees and probabilistic experts rules
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 427
Can I Bring My Calculator to the Exam? Some Reflections on the Abstraction Level of Computer Algebra Systems
Mathematics in Computer Science, Vol. 17, Núm. 1
Decision making in railway interlocking systems based on calculating the remainder of dividing a polynomial by a set of polynomials
Electronic Research Archive, Vol. 31, Núm. 10, pp. 6160-6196
One-sided differentiability: a challenge for computer algebra systems
Electronic Research Archive, Vol. 31, Núm. 3, pp. 1737-1768
Some Reflections About the Success and Bibliographic Impact of the Dynamic Geometry System GeoGebra
Mathematics in Computer Science, Vol. 17, Núm. 2
A Computational Approach to Overtaking Station Track Layout Design Using Graphs: An Extension That Supports Special Turnouts—An Improved Alternative Track Layout Proposal
Algorithms, Vol. 15, Núm. 10
A Decision Making Tool for Mathematics Curricula Formal Verification
Mathematics education in the age of Artificial Intelligence: How Artificial Intelligence can serve mathematical human learning (Springer Suiza), pp. 77-88
Aportaciones al desarrollo del currículo desde la investigación en educación matemática
Boletín de la Sociedad Puig Adam de profesores de matemáticas, Núm. 114, pp. 76-77
Is it so time consuming to start using a new piece of mathematical software?
Proceedings of the Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics
Limit calculation outside the domain of definition of real functions using computer algebra systems: An educational panoramic view
Proceedings of the Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics
No se deben olvidar las unidades: actividades sobre magnitudes escalares con sistemas de cálculo simbólico
International Handbook of Innovation and Assessment of the Quality of Higher Education and Research. Vol. 1 (Thomson Reuters-Civitas)
Una breve nota didáctica sobre discontinuidades y software matemático
Boletín de la Sociedad Puig Adam de profesores de matemáticas, Núm. 113, pp. 71-80
Una experiencia de clase con hardware (robots programables) y software (programación por bloques) llevada a cabo con futuros profesores de educación secundaria de matemáticas
Jornada «Aprendizaje Eficaz con TIC en la UCM» (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), pp. 335-344
A Simplified Introduction to Virus Propagation Using Maple’s Turtle Graphics Package Suitable for Children
Communications in Computer and Information Science
A computer approach to overtaking station track layout diagram design using graphs. An alternative track diagram proposal for these stations
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 391
A multi-criteria computer package-based energy management system for a grid-connected AC nanogrid
Mathematics, Vol. 9, Núm. 5, pp. 1-25
A prototype of a decision support system for equine cardiovascular diseases diagnosis and management
Mathematics, Vol. 9, Núm. 20
An Accelerated-Time Simulation of Queues at Ticket Offices at Railway Stations
Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol. 2021
La actitud de futuros profesores de secundaria ante el uso de robots programables en la clase de matemáticas
Investigación en Educación Matemática XXIV