Especialidades Clínicas Odontológicas
Publicaciones (5) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a
Aprender educando a personas con discapacidad:experiencia de aprendizaje servicio en odontología y magisterio
Indivisa: Boletín de estudios e investigación
Complications associated with inferior alveolar nerve reposition technique for simultaneous implant-based rehabilitation of atrophic mandibles. A systematic literature review
Journal of Stomatology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Corrigendum to “The osteocyte: A multifunctional cell within the bone” [Ann. Anat. 227 (2020) PMID: 31563568] (Annals of Anatomy (2020) 227, (S0940960219301268), (10.1016/j.aanat.2019.151422))
Annals of Anatomy
Guest Editorial: Clarifications on the use of the new classification of periodontitis
Journal of Clinical Periodontology
Response to the letter to the Editor
Oral Diseases