Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Antonio Rafael Fernández Paradas (7)


  1. El ideal del bienestar: La publicidad del gas en la cocina en la Francia de finales del siglo XIX en el contexto de la Europa Latina

    Tiempos de happiness management, tecnología y marketing social (Tirant lo Blanch), pp. 193-212

  2. Las estrategias publicitarias y comerciales de las empresas de gas y electricidad en Francia y España (1890-1918)

    Vegueta: Anuario de la Facultad de Geografía e Historia, Vol. 24, Núm. 1, pp. 97-127

  3. The rivalry between gas and electricity in France and Spain through advertising and marketing (1890-1936)

    Economic History of the European Energy Industry: Lighting up Western Europe, 19th to 21st Centuries (Taylor and Francis), pp. 59-72


  1. Gas lighting for the crown: an analysis of the use of gas lighting in the festivities to commemorate the Bonaparte and Bourbon Dynasties in Paris (France) and Madrid (Spain).

    The gas sector in Latin Europe’s industrial history: Lighting and heating the world (Springer Alemania), pp. 39-53


  1. Heppiness and well-being. Economic, social and artitic analysis of the promotional strategies of gas companies in Madrid and Paris at the beginning of the 20th century

    A thousand ways to understand happiness in the economy of the European Union's "Next generation" funds: a comprehensive vision under the lens of social marketing, history and happiness management (Comares), pp. 83-96


  1. A la vez que siembra la felicidad, aleja el dolor. Emociones, publicidad y sociedad de consumo en España, 1900-1936

    La Brújula del siglo XXI: el happiness Management. Un concepto a explorar por las empresas, el marketing social y el liderazgo organizacional (Tirant Humanidades), pp. 175-194

  2. La calle como espacio para gestación de los derechos y el patrimonio LGTBI

    A rua e a cidade: Múltiplos olhares (UFPB), pp. 71-90