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  1. A New Example of Scientific Bias of the English Language: the American Guide to Stopping Smoking Treatment

    Archivos de Bronconeumologia

  2. Acute interstitial nephritis

    Kidney International

  3. Afectación de tracto digestivo por linfoma de células del manto: Aspecto endoscópico

    Revista Espanola de Enfermedades Digestivas

  4. Antagonistas de la aldosterona: ¿de la cirrosis a la insuficiencia cardiaca?

    Revista Espanola de Cardiologia

  5. Are free light chain immunoglobulins related to nasal local allergic rhinitis?

    Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology

  6. Autoimmune vestibulopathy associated with autoreactive antibodies and parotid involvement


  7. Barrett's esophagus

    FMC Formacion Medica Continuada en Atencion Primaria

  8. Blefaroconjuntivitis alrgica por fenilefrina

    Actas Dermo-Sifiliograficas

  9. Blefaroconjuntivitis alérgica por fenilefrina.

    Actas dermo-sifiliográficas

  10. Blood cultures when fever?

    Revista Clinica Espanola

  11. Blue rubber bleb nevus diagnosed by wireless capsule endoscopy.

    Journal of paediatrics and child health

  12. Bundle branch block during primary angioplasty: Reperfusion success remains encrypted in the ECG!

    Interventional Cardiology

  13. Centenarian stroke treated with rehabilitation therapy

    Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

  14. Cerebrospinal fluid cytotoxicity in lateral amyotrophic sclerosis


  15. Cetoacidosis diabética como primera manifestación de un tumor secretor mixto de hormona de crecimiento y prolactina

    Endocrinologia y Nutricion

  16. Chest pain with an elevated troponin level but without significant coronary artery disease is not usually due to an infarction.

    Revista española de cardiología

  17. Chimiothérapie néoadjuvante dans les cancers «tête et cou»

    Revue Medicale de Liege

  18. Colestasis intrahepática recurrente benigna que simula hepatitis tóxica por cetiricina

    Gastroenterologia y Hepatologia

  19. Comment about patients with dual antiplatelet therapy

    Actas Dermo-Sifiliograficas

  20. Comments on point: Counterpoint: Left ventricular volume during diastasis is/is not the physiological in vivo equilibrium volume and is/is not related to diastolic suction

    Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985)