Capítulos de libro (24) Publicacións nas que participase algún/ha investigador/a


  1. Acclimation to different environmental salinities modified the expression of several adenohypophyseal hormones in greater amberjack, seriola dumerili (risso, 1810)

    Advances in Comparative Endocrinology: Proceedings from communications presented at the XII Conference of the Iberian Association for Comparative Endocrinology (AIEC), held from the 26th to the 28th of September 2019 at the University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal (Universidade do Algarve), pp. 141-143

  2. Algunas reflexiones sobre la alimentación durante el Calcolítico en Camino de las Yeseras, desde una perspectiva social

    De la mano de la Prehistoria: Homenaje a Pilar Utrilla Miranda (Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza), pp. 477-498

  3. Availability and metabolism of thyroid hormones in the developing brain

    Factors Affecting Neurodevelopment: Genetics, Neurology, Behavior, and Diet (Elsevier), pp. 471-481

  4. Biophysical approaches to study actinoporin-lipid interactions

    Methods in Enzymology (Academic Press Inc.), pp. 307-339

  5. Briza L.

    Flora ibérica : plantas vasculares de la Península Ibérica e Islas Baleares: Vol. XIX, 2, Gramineae (partim) (Real Jardín Botánico), pp. 901-906

  6. Characterization of nocturnin paralogs of goldfish: gene structure, liver rhytmicity and the effect of fasting

    Advances in Comparative Endocrinology: Proceedings from communications presented at the XII Conference of the Iberian Association for Comparative Endocrinology (AIEC), held from the 26th to the 28th of September 2019 at the University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal (Universidade do Algarve), pp. 55-58

  7. Chronic dietary aflatoxin b1 (afb1) exposition alters growth and stress axis in juvenile gilthead sea bream (sparus aurata)

    Advances in Comparative Endocrinology: Proceedings from communications presented at the XII Conference of the Iberian Association for Comparative Endocrinology (AIEC), held from the 26th to the 28th of September 2019 at the University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal (Universidade do Algarve), pp. 69-72

  8. Clonogenic Assays to Detect Cell Fate in Mitotic Catastrophe

    Methods in Molecular Biology (Humana Press Inc.), pp. 227-239

  9. Conceptos de genética molecular

    Nefrología pediátrica (Ediciones de la Universidad de Oviedo), pp. 459-466

  10. Dinámica de las formaciones boscosas de pinsapo en la Sierra de las Nieves durante el Holoceno final

    Los bosques de la Serranía de Ronda: una perspectiva espacio-temporal (La Serranía), pp. 163-181

  11. Endocrine aspects of development. Thyroid hormone actions in neurological processes during brain development

    Diagnosis, Management and Modeling of Neurodevelopmental Disorders: The Neuroscience of Development (Elsevier), pp. 85-97

  12. Environmental Biosensors: A Microbiological View

    Handbook of Cell Biosensors (Springer International Publishing), pp. 455-476

  13. Gene and Cell Therapy in Dental Tissue Regeneration

    Human Tooth and Developmental Dental Defects - Compositional and Genetic Implications

  14. Hepatic glucose and lipid metabolism is modified by palmitoylethanolamide treatment in goldfish (carassius auratus)

    Advances in Comparative Endocrinology: Proceedings from communications presented at the XII Conference of the Iberian Association for Comparative Endocrinology (AIEC), held from the 26th to the 28th of September 2019 at the University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal (Universidade do Algarve), pp. 123-125

  15. Immobilization Techniques for the Preparation of Supported Biocatalysts: Making Better Biocatalysts Through Protein Immobilization

    Biocatalysis for Practitioners: Techniques, Reactions and Applications (wiley), pp. 63-88

  16. Jimena Fernández de la Vega e a Junta para Ampliación de Estudios e Investigaciones Científicas

    Jimena Fernández de la Vega: un modelo de científica adiantada ao seu tempo (Real Academia Galega de Ciencias), pp. 21-44

  17. La profesión de antropólogo/a en el estado español: Construyendo itinerarios profesionales fuera de la academia

    Éticas y Políticas de las Antropologías. Resúmenes y ponencias XV Congreso Antropología ASAEE: 1, 2 y 3 de febrero de 2021 (Última línea), pp. 821-848

  18. Obesidad y entornos obesogénicos: Paradojas y divergencias entre las políticas sanitarias, las experiencias personales y las culturas de salud

    Éticas y Políticas de las Antropologías. Resúmenes y ponencias XV Congreso Antropología ASAEE: 1, 2 y 3 de febrero de 2021 (Última línea), pp. 894-917

  19. Population variation in diaphyseal growth and age estimation of juvenile skeletal remains

    Remodeling Forensic Skeletal Age: Modern Applications and New Research Directions (Elsevier), pp. 99-138

  20. Production of Doubled Haploid Embryos from Cork Oak Anther Cultures by Antimitotic Agents and Temperature Stress

    Methods in Molecular Biology (Humana Press Inc.), pp. 199-219