Publicacións (7) Publicacións nas que participase algún/ha investigador/a
Characterization of antiestrogenic activity of the Chinese herb, Prunella vulgaris, using in vitro and in vivo (mouse xenograft) models (Biology of Reproduction 2009, 80, (375-383) DOI: 10.1095/biolreprod.107.065375)
Biology of Reproduction
Control and eradication of African horse sickness
Corrigendum to "Expression of immunoregulatory genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of European wild boar immunized with BCG" [Vet. Microbiol. 134 (3-4) (2009) 334-339] (DOI:10.1016/j.vetmic.2008.08.026)
Veterinary Microbiology
Endocarditis aguda por Streptococcus suis serogrupo 2 en España
Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia Clinica
Erratum: Discovery of Stable and Variable Differences (Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2008) 75:3 (676-686))
Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Erratum: Fatty acid composition of salami from different countries and their nutritional implications (International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition) (2009) vol. 59 (7-8) (607-619))
International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition
La perspectiva de la Administración educativa
Documentos - Instituto de Estudios Fiscales