Estructura reticular y cuasiideal en álgebras alternativas

  1. Laliena Clemente, Jesús Antonio
Dirixida por:
  1. Santos González Jiménez Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Zaragoza

Fecha de defensa: 12 de decembro de 1987

  1. Vicente Ramón Varea Agudo Presidente/a
  2. Consuelo Martínez López Secretario/a
  3. Alberto Pérez de Vargas Luque Vogal
  4. Ángel Rodríguez Palacios Vogal
  5. Juan Gabriel Tena Ayuso Vogal

Tipo: Tese


The lattice of subalgebras of an alternative algebra can determinate the algebraic structure of the algebra. In the first chapter, it is showed that, an alternative algebra with lattice of subalgebras isomorphic to a non division semisimple alternative algebra, is closely related with it. In the second chapter, it is studied the quasiideal structure in alternative algebras. By quasiideals, some kinds of semiprime alternative algebras and regular alternative algebras are characterised. Finally, alternative algebras in which every subalgebra is quasiideal are described.