Alonso de Contrerasdiscurso de mi vida : estudio y edición

  1. Domínguez Flores, María Antonia
Supervised by:
  1. Jesús Antonio Cid Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 12 December 2007

  1. Ana Vian Herrero Chair
  2. Alejandro Rubio San Román Secretary
  3. Jesús Gómez Committee member
  4. Miguel Ángel Teijeiro Fuentes Committee member
  5. Agustín de la Granja López Committee member
  1. Literaturas Hispánicas y Bibliografía

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 141095 DIALNET


SUMMARY: This investigation work has been divided into two different parts and it is concentrated in the study, edition and foot-notes about the text of the life of captain Alonso de Contreras. These parts are the following ones: FIRST PART (VOLUME I): the book of captain Alonso de Contreras in its historical and literary context. Study. In the first chapter I have studied several and different aspects about the social life in the Seventeenth Century that had an impact in Contreras life. As a character, Contreras is analysed from different perspectives, taking into account his particular explanation through his autobiographical manuscript, about his messy life. In the second chapter I define and study the autobiography itself, and the differences between the author and the character are even analysed. In the third chapter I do an exhaustive study about the Manuscript text. SECOND PART (VOLUME II): THE EDITION. THE TEST. The edition of the text has been done from the original Manuscript (number 7.460 of the BNM). I have noticed its abundant corrections and the two different kinds of scripts. As a novelty, the text is presented remarking the rich dialogues. It has been included foot-notes about the text; I have also attached new documental evidences and, finally, I give the opinion from different specialists. To finish off I also include a Glossary of Foot-note Words together with other Indexes referring to the Onomastic, both preceded by a Bibliography. This Volume ends with five Annexes in which we can find several reproductions of the editions and translations of the most interesting title pages.