El proceso de transformación del Sistema Político de Venezuela, 1959-2004

  1. Vivas Terán, Abdón
Dirigida per:
  1. Fernando Harto de Vera Director

Universitat de defensa: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 03 de de març de 2008

  1. Antonio Elorza President
  2. Heriberto Cairo Carou Secretari
  3. Manuel Hidalgo Trenado Vocal
  4. José Machillanda Vocal
  5. Gustavo Palomares Lerma Vocal
  1. Historia, Teorías y Geografía Políticas

Tipus: Tesi


In this Work is investigating the transformation process that has experienced the political system of Venezuela during the past half century. To carry out this purpose is used as a tool the theoretical Framework for Political Systems contributed by Easton, which is complemented by elaborations that come from the Theory of Democracy, Competition, Political Parties, and Populism etc. The starting point is to consider the political system consisting of a beam of relationships that are abstracts of any social behaviour observed. This set of interrelations is guided by the allocation of valuable things to society by way of authority. According to the Research, is possible to identify two different political systems: The Liberal Democracy and the Neo Authoritarianism Charismatic and Militarist. The first unfolds along three stages: The Democratic Consolidation, the Duopoly of Political Parties and the Unstable Equilibrium. The second has led to the stage of the Bolivarian Revolution and continues its development to date. To explain the passage of a system to another, and the evolution of a stage to another, we propose a systemic interpretation. In the first case, the root cause lies in that repeated failures of product induce an irreversible decline in the reservoir of support (legitimacy) that requires the regime regarded as political object. As to the stages we argue that these are passed from one to another in the extent to which the system evolves and is affected one of its specific traits: For example, the role that meets some political player, the level of satisfaction of the demands, the abrupt change of objectives. In the Research is closely examined each one of the stages that we have just noted. As to the passage of a system to another we maintain that the basic explanation lies in the repeated failures of product that are presenting in the fields symbolic, economic, social and political. Similarly we discussed the nature of each system as well as each of the failures of product identified. This interpretation is offered without prejudice to the cyclical conditions that struck the political activity which we weigh carefully. In addition, the investigation assesses the role of political actors, the pattern of product at every stage, the electoral evolution, covenants and agreements, the material resources available, the ideological content and the crucial role played by the production and export of hydrocarbons.