Delincuencia informática: daños informáticos del artículo 264 del Código penal y propuesta de reforma

  1. González Hurtado, Jorge Alexandre
Dirigée par:
  1. María Teresa Requejo Naveros Directrice

Université de défendre: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 23 octobre 2013

Type: Thèses


On this dissertation we intend to make an overview of cybercrime in the present and analyze the legal regulation of the criminal offense of computer damage, legislated in the article 264 in the LO 10/1995 of November 23rd, in the SPANISH PENAL CODE, this article has been widely expanded by LO 5/2010 of June 22nd on the reform of the Spanish Penal Code and propose a change of view based clustering of these crimes under a new collective legal right.