Estudio de Όπως-Όκως, ϊνα, ωστε y ώς (final-completivo y consecutivo) en el Corpus Hipocrático
- González Martín, Ana María
- Elsa García Novo Directeur
Université de défendre: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Fecha de defensa: 11 octobre 2008
- Magdalena Rodríguez Alfageme President
- María Angeles Ciprés Palacín Secrétaire
- Antonio López Eire Rapporteur
- Marcos Martínez Hernández Rapporteur
- Jacques Jouanna Rapporteur
Type: Thèses
This research aims to define syntactically and semantically the whole system of three subordinating conjunctions [Όκως, ϊνα and ωστε], as well as the systems of the final [Όκως, ϊνα, et ως ´η] and consecutive [ωστε y ως] clauses in the Hippocratic Corpus. We present, therefore, a complete and individual study of the conjunctions Όκως, ϊνα and ωστε, which defines and analyzes the characteristics of each value of the studied conjunctions. Likewise, we have analyzed the systems of the final and consecutive clauses, pointing out the common features and the oppositions that take place in these systems. This paper also provides a study of textual criticism and a study of author’s characterization made from the syntactic and semantic analysis of the systems studied.