La noción de alteridad en Cornelius Castoriadis

  1. Miranda Redondo, Rafael
Supervised by:
  1. Eduardo Chamorro Romero Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 12 April 2010

  1. José Miguel Marinas Herreras Chair
  2. Gerardo Gutiérrez Sánchez Secretary
  3. José Angel Bergua Amores Committee member
  4. Celso Sánchez Capdequí Committee member
  5. Daniel H. Cabrera Altieri Committee member

Type: Thesis


This thesis addresses the institutional thought and work of Castoriadis, his notion of otherness. Delivery of a brief review of social sciences, particularly anthropology and step by describing the context in which discipline is part of the notion. Through developing a working hypothesis the argument through an initial conceptualization as absence of meaning and emergence of the new continuing with a second conceptualization of otherness imaginary, real and pop. The latter is fed substantially in the case, knowledge and psychoanalytic practice. This knowledge and the practice will have as primary target field life within the group Socialisme ou Barbarie and, through him, the political culture of the left in France in the second half of S. XX. This approach entails the formulation of an original concept from the imaginary element of the critique of bureaucratic phenomenon by applying first the notion of institutional transfer. The institutional practices which will be culminating in the act of self-dissolution, will result in an egregious effort by Castoriadis, to make his novel notion of institution of society, heavily dependent imaginary as the body non-determined element. A second successive level, starting in the second half of Chapter 4, will address the historical social self-alters explicitly. I state once the analysis by Castoriadis as heteronomous society as hidden processes of self-alteration. The successive step, but the order of the projection, will address the implications of the proposed autonomous society brings about otherness in the fields of education, training, psychoanalysis and politics. The contribution of clinical sociology and institutional analysis, such as proposals that extend, at an intermediate level of abstraction, the notion of otherness and their heirs the notion of imaginary and institution in Castoriadis, is also first order in this passage. Thinking about the possibility that society exercises the right infra-power as a collective anonymous and that the exercise is conducted within the boundaries of public and private space, the agora, and properly political space, the ecclesial, we will the pattern for reviving the notion of transfer for the case of the strictly political sphere. The factual reality of this state concerning the institution transference, illustrated by the figures of representatives and experts, will enable us to close the text with the mythical character of the institution that emerges here of the rational domain as social imaginary signification and their realization in the Bureaucratic Phenomenon. Sera for the new relationship between instances that will define the trajectory of our author, the possibility of it being away from all teleology, talk about a social state, no universal way, which gives the possibility of recognizing the otherness and learning to live with her. Social status, using the proposed by Freud, recognizing death as total disappearance of meaning to life is opened.