Measuring poverty and vulnerability in microfinance

  1. Torres García, Olga
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Angel María Martínez González-Tablas Doktorvater

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 09 von Februar von 2009

  1. Carlos Berzosa Präsident
  2. Luis Hernández Mendoza Sekretär/in
  3. Maricruz Lacalle Calderón Vocal
  4. Koldo Unceta Satrustegui Vocal
  5. Eduardo Cuenca García Vocal

Art: Dissertation


This dissertation explores how to best measure poverty and vulnerability to poverty in microfinance clients in rural areas and provides the results of the test for Angkor Mikroheranhvatho (Kampuchea) (AMK), a microfinance institution operating in rural Cambodia. The objective is to find the best measuring tool available and to adapt it to the rural Cambodian context. Thus, the first section of this dissertation discusses the theoretical framework for rural finance, microfinance, poverty and vulnerability to poverty and the second section explores the Cambodian context and its poverty profile. In the third section, two complementary but distinct poverty measuring tools are applied: a multidimensional relative poverty tool based on Principal Component Analysis (AMK-PCA Wellbeing Score) and a one-dimensional absolute poverty tool based on Daily Food Expenditure per capita. Both tools are based on food security. The analysis shows AMK’s extensive poverty outreach, and the comparison of the outputs from both tools further confirm the reliability of results.The main conclusion of this dissertation is that it is not possible to create a single poverty assessment tool that provides simultaneously absolute and multidimensional results. What is possible is to apply two tools, as part of a combined research effort within the context of rural Cambodia, so that poverty and vulnerability can be assessed regularly as a multidimensional concept while adding a monetary tool that allows for easier comparisons at the national level.