Estudio de los calentamientos estratosféricos en el hemisferio norte y su huella troposféricapasado reciente, presente y futuro

  1. Ayarzagüena Porras, Blanca
Dirigida per:
  1. Encarnación Serrano Mendoza Directora
  2. Ulrike Langematz // Director/a

Universitat de defensa: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 25 de de gener de 2012

  1. María Belén Rodríguez de Fonseca Presidenta
  2. Natalia Calvo Fernández Secretària
  3. Mª Concepción Parrondo Sempere Vocal
  4. Peter Braesicke // Vocal
  5. Alberto Arribas Herranz Vocal
  1. Física de la Tierra y Astrofísica

Tipus: Tesi


The main aim of this PhD thesis is to improve the knowledge of boreal stratospheric warmings, with a special focus on the associated tropospheric?stratospheric feedbacks. To achieve this goal, different features of these phenomena that have not been investigated yet or that do not show a consensus among previous studies are analyzed in detail. This analysis refers to the two most relevant types of warmings, major stratospheric warmings (MSWs) and stratospheric final warmings (SFWs), in different periods of time: the recent past and present (since 1960), and the future.