Fisioterapia respiratoria combinada con higiene postural en niños con afectación neurológica crónica

Supervised by:
  1. Patricia Martín Casas Director
  2. María de los Angeles Atín Arratibel Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 26 June 2017

  1. Raquel Valero Alcaide Chair
  2. Susana Muñoz Lasa Secretary
  3. Pedro Chana Valero Committee member
  4. Julián López Chinchilla Committee member
  5. Fernando Gómez Muñiz Committee member
  1. Radiología, Rehabilitación y Fisioterapia

Type: Thesis


ABSTRACT: The chronic neurological affection encompasses different pathologies that imply motor disability and special health care needs. The lack of prevention and treatment in pulmonary health leads to an increase in morbidity and mortality, an increase in medical care and costs in care, and a decrease in quality of life. Therefore, the management of respiratory health is important, even if the protocol of respiratory physiotherapy techniques is not consensual, and optimize ventilation with positioning techniques. HYPOTHESIS: Children with chronic neurological affection and respiratory disease benefit from respiratory physiotherapy techniques of mucociliary clearance and workshops on postural hygiene to optimize respiratory status and quality of life. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Before-after experimental study with respiratory physiotherapy and postural hygiene workshops in children aged 0 to 6 years with chronic neurological involvement and respiratory complications. Descriptive data, clinical exams of the participants, expectorated secretions, number of exacerbations, and PedsQL quality of life questionnaires were collected. RESULTS: In the clinical variables a progressive improvement was found over time, as well as an immediate improvement before and after each session. Expectoration of secretions decreased as the intervention progressed. The number of exacerbations and income declined after the intervention. The scores of the PedsQL questionnaires improved throughout the study. CONCLUSIONS: Respiratory physiotherapy combined with postural hygiene workshops is effective in improving clinical status and quality of life, as well as reducing the number of exacerbations and hospitalizations due to respiratory complications in children with chronic neurological involvement in the sample studied.