El caso Nóos en los informativos radiofónicos de las emisoras generalistas españolasanálisis del contenido, tratamiento y estructura de la información desde la óptica de la veracidad

Supervised by:
  1. Leopoldo Abad Alcalá Director
  2. Javier Fernández del Moral Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 26 June 2017

  1. Rafael Llano Sánchez Chair
  2. Carmen Salgado Santamaría Secretary
  3. Susana Herrera Damas Committee member
  4. María del Pilar Martínez Acosta Committee member
  5. José María Legorburu Hortelano Committee member
  1. Periodismo y Nuevos Medios

Type: Thesis


In the last decade, cases of corruption have dominated of the covers of newspapers, radio and television news. Important figures such as respected politicians, to bankers who were trusted to help Spain out of the economic crisis, former ministers and even a daughter and sister of kings. No one seems to be safe from becoming accused in a judicial process and this has begun to create a level of mistrust in society, even going as far as to nullify the principle of presumption of innocence. At this point, we have asked about the role that the mass media is playing in this process. Though the veracity of information, we wanted to check whether the information that was being published in the press, radio and television, were adapted to the facts or, on the contrary, were being influenced by social unrest. After analyzing the right to information, its content and limits, we have arrived to the conclusion that, although the doctrine and the jurisprudence have dealt in countless occasions with the veracity of information, they have always remained at theoretical level, without proposing methodology to allow scientific verification. For this reason, in this research we have developed a model that allows us to verify the veracity of the judicial information issued in radio news. The concretion of media is maximum, each means uses a different language, to which the variables are subject to examination and must be adjusted...