Alma, sentido y mundofilosofía y literatura en el joven Lukács (1902-1918)

Supervised by:
  1. Nuria Sánchez Madrid Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 16 June 2017

  1. Pablo López Álvarez Chair
  2. Germán Garrido Miñambres Secretary
  3. David Sánchez Usanos Committee member
  4. Antonio De Murcia Conesa Committee member
  5. José Manuel Romero Cuevas Committee member
  1. Filosofía y Sociedad

Type: Thesis


This doctoral thesis studies the youth stage of the young Lukács, which is between the years 1902 and 1918. For readers in Spanish and for the interpreters of Lukács who know mainly the Marxist stage of Lukács, some of the texts of this stage are quite unknown. This is due, on the one hand, to the difficulty of access to these texts, many of which were not discovered until the 1970s and, on the other hand, because of the lack of available translations. The text studies how literature and philosophy are related in the young Lukacs, the peculiar way in which the literary is understood and, more generally, the artistic, involving also another theoretical discipline, such as sociology. OBJECTIVES This work attempts to understand how philosophy and literature are related in this thinker, giving rise to an original philosophical thought. It is also proposed to disregard the author from those interpretations that, from different disciplines and fields, such as studies of literature theory, literary studies about the novel, critical theory, or Marxist studies, have tried to narrow it down to their respective fields of study. The paper also wants to present and analyze a whole series of texts unknown, in many cases, for the reader in Spanish. Another of its objectives is to relate its philosophy with contemporary philosophical currents, such as the hermeneutic philosophy, —which has in Gadamer and Ricoeur some of its most important representatives, such as critical theory —here we include Adorno and Walter Benjamin— and also with a theory that belongs to literary studies, such as stylistics —of which will take special account of authors such as Leo Spitzer and Karl Vossler —...