Construcciones de alteridad femenina en los libros de Samuel y Reyesuna lectura feminista a través de los cuerpos de las mujeres

  1. D'Amico Monascal, Claudia Andreina
  1. Andrés Piquer Otero Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 2017(e)ko uztaila-(a)k 03

  1. Julio Trebolle Barrera Presidentea
  2. Pablo A. Torijano Morales Idazkaria
  3. Joan Ferrer Costa Kidea
  4. Carmen Caballero Navas Kidea
  5. Ana María Bejarano Kidea
  1. Lingüística, Estudios Árabes, Hebreos, Vascos y de Asia Oriental

Mota: Tesia


This dissertation locates itself in the tradition of the feminist biblical scholarship and,through it, I have tried to analyze and understand the way in which woman’s alterity isconstructed and used in the biblical discourse. The methodological frame of choice isthe body, understood as a fundamental tool in the processes of construction of thesubjects and as a location of discipline and control. Through the analysis of the bodiesof the female characters present in the books of Samuel and Kings, I have wanted todefine the female typologies that, applied to the theories of composition of thedeuteronomistic history could, on the one hand, point to the mechanisms that supportgender inequalities and, on the other hand, shed light on the ideologies that lie behindthe text...