El tedio y la banalidad del malun malestar del hombre contemporáneo en el pensamiento de Erich Fromm

  1. Montoya Velarde, Emilio
Supervised by:
  1. Javier Bustamante Donas Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 13 June 2017

  1. José Miguel Marinas Herreras Chair
  2. Emilio Garcia Garcia Secretary
  3. José Antonio Binaburo Iturbide Committee member
  4. José Barrientos Rastrojo Committee member
  5. Luis Joyanes Aguilar Committee member
  1. Filosofía y Sociedad

Type: Thesis


This Doctoral Thesis is a research work about the relationship between the concept of 'boredom' proposed by Erich Fromm and the notion of banality of evil coined by Hannah Arendt. The aforementioned relationship is shown in a contemporary society in which modern indivudual appears as an indifferent being towards the world and the others. Besides, his character is moulded by social forces, guiding it to a way of life based on material aspects or the having mode, named by Fromm. Thus, spiritual human life remains relegated to a second level, which entails the emergence of some kind of vital or existential pathological boredom. In this research work, it has been provided a context for different aspects of both 'tedium' and thinkers who concentrate on its nature. This has been done in order to show a more philosophical vision on the topic and its radical quandary for mankind...