El relato del miedo en las noticias de televisiónanálisis de los informativos de TVE 1 y Telecinco
- Javier Mayoral Sánchez Directeur
Université de défendre: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Fecha de defensa: 08 juin 2017
- Jorge Clemente Mediavilla President
- Elena de la Cuadra Colmenares Secrétaire
- Javier Chivite Fernández Rapporteur
- Miguel Ángel del Arco Bravo Rapporteur
- Sara Gallego Trijueque Rapporteur
Type: Thèses
I.I Introduction In this investigation, the presence of fear in the articulation of the nowadays news and information speech has been highlighted. Fear has been understood here as an information conduit through the communication medias, taking into account that the audio-visual speech presented on television news is a strategy used by investigators to show the doses of fear used by the medias when informing (Mas de Xaxás, 2005). I.II Objectives and methodology In order to demonstrate the relationships between fear and medias’ speech, several objectives have been established: Regarding the general objectives, it was tried to: Understand the fear speech as an entity, with specific traits in all the news program where fear appears as an essential element and as a characteristic of the situation and time in order to situate the news in a crisis time revolved around this sociological and cognitive concept. Some authors, such as Professor Soledad Puenta (1997), consider that journalism and drama are both interested in crisis. That is why it is relevant to study the news in crisis times. Analyse the news’ speech through the study of the informational message. In order to do so, a discursive analysis will be necessary in order to identify the elements creating fear sensations in the audience. A visual analysis will also be needed in order to identify which images can create fear among the audience. Show that some of the news broadcasted on television nowadays follow a logic partially defined by discursive techniques such as spectacularization, drama and sensationalism...